Usd T Gold Limited screenshot
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17.5% - 20% Hourly For 6 Hours
7.5% - 10% Hourly For 15 Hours
165% - 350% After 3 Days
340% - 1450% After 12 Days
1125% - 3500% After 25 Days
6580% - 12550% After 80 Days
Min/Max: 1 / 250000
Referral: 10%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Invetment: $50.00
Payout Ratio: 68%
Last Payout: Jul 5th, 2018
Added: Jun 29th, 2018
Monitored: 9 days
Lifetime: 9 days
ABOUT COMPANY UsdtGold provides a wide range of services and full support on all issues of investment in various sectors of domestic and foreign economy. For you the most important is a fact we have created a project with a high yield and minimum risk, with only 1$ for start you are able to test and enjoy our program. The most important thing for us is: diversification - the easiest and most reliable method of reducing risk. Our experts placing funds in our projects in Asia, Europe and the United States for the purpose of sharing knowledge and a guaranteed income. and actively follow all the news and developments in financial markets. Because of this we are always up to date and able to competently and promptly respond to changes. We hope you are prepared for amazing All HYIP Monitors CzechHYIPMonitor
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