Cardano Pays Limited screenshot
20.4% - 25% Hourly For 5 Hours 7.1% - 10% Hourly for 15 hours 165% - 350% Profits AFTER 3 CALENDER DAYS 765% - 1450% Profits AFTER 15 CALENDER DAYS 1550% - 3500% Profits AFTER 30 CALENDER DAYS 7285% - 12550% Profits AFTER 75 CALENDER DAYS
Min/Max: 1 / 200000
Referral: 5% - 2%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Invetment: $90.00
Payout Ratio: 108% in profit
Last Payout: Jul 26th, 2018
Added: Jul 24th, 2018
Monitored: 3 days
Lifetime: 2 days
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