Hours Golden Limited screenshot
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10.3% - 12% Hourly For 10 Hours
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6% - 10% Daily For 10 Days
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Min/Max: 1 / 100000000
Referral: 5% 2% 1%
Withdrawal: Manual
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Our Invetment: $30.00
Payout Ratio: 106% in profit
Last Payout: Dec 13th, 2019
Added: Dec 12th, 2019
Monitored: 9 days
Lifetime: 9 days
hoursgolden.com LTD was created in 2010's but incorporated in May 2019 in England (our certificate number is 11600899). We are a holding company that includes several divisions, which are focused on a common result. The holding invests mainly in a combination of companies' equity securities, fixed income securities, promising projects with ICO, prospective cryptocurrency coins and Forex market where with financial leverage we can earn and generate high income in short time. The funds of the holding can be selected from all sectors of the economy and industrial groups and located internationally, providing access to developed and emerging markets. hoursgolden.com invests in companies at the growth stage, as well as at early stages of development. Experienced professionals in the field of investment manage the fund. hoursgolden.com has successfully created and financed many projects with its own money for years. hoursgolden.com also invests in companies in the early stages of their development in the following sectors of the economy: consumer Internet (including e-commerce and other online services), cloud services, software, mobile technologies, payment systems, online games, and social media.hyiprank.com All HYIP Monitors HyipBox.org HYIP.bz CzechHYIPMonitor HYIP.biz all-hyip-monitors.com
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